Hello anyone! I apologize for the lack of posts. Really I do. I've been a little caught up making sculptures for an upcoming Day of the Dead art show in San Diego entitled "Dia de Tus Muertos". I'm also doing a piece for a book in Mexico City paying an homage to Gabilondo Soler also known as Cri-Cri, the great Mexican children's song composer!
A handful of artists were picked out to do their versions of a song given to them. Mine is "Cucurumbe", a song about a little girl who doesn't want to be black, she wants to be white like the moon, the shells on the beach and the foam on the shoreline. One day a dapper little fish wearing a bowler hat comes up to her and exclaims " Goodness child! Can't you see that you are beautiful as you are?"
One of my upcoming goals is to have an art show based on Cri-Cri's songs, so this might just be the first step in that direction!
I hope you like it :)